2022 - 2023

This body of work manifests a dialectic between order and disorder, encapsulating a fragmentary yet evocative embodiment of memory. Within the carefully orchestrated stillness, a tapestry of existence unfolds, encompassing a diverse of souls interconnected in a web of intricate relationships—friends, strangers, lovers, and enemies. It transcends the boundaries of familiarity, evoking a profound sense of the uncanny while paradoxically resonating with our innermost depths.

Through its exploration of the interplay between contemporary public and private life, this oeuvre probes the very essence of communal existence within the broader framework of identity and acknowledgment. It seeks to unravel the enigmatic threads woven between individuals, unveiling the nuances that define their shared reality. Moreover, it navigates the profound space between corporeal movements in the physical realm, thereby exposing the inherent absurdity, ambiguity, and disquietude that accompany such interstitial moments.

Stillness in the Room inviting introspection into the multifaceted nature of our existence. It prompts contemplation on the boundaries that delineate order from chaos, the intricacies of interpersonal bonds, and the transcendent aspects of human experience that flicker between the known and the unfamiliar. In essence, it offers a gateway to a realm where the profound mysteries of life converge with the palpable tangibility of the present, urging us to seek solace, enlightenment, and profound realizations amidst the harmonious discord of our shared journey.